Top Question We Get Asked
Jul 24, 2024This is the top question we regularly get asked:
How do you get all the training in with work schedules?
(PS: We both work full time!!! And, we both train around 12-15 hrs per week on top of that.)
Here's the secret:
We just make it a priority and do it! 💪🏼
You can too! Here are some tips:
- It's so important to have your training schedule ready a week ahead. Knowing what's coming up allows you to schedule early morning or after work, afternoon/evening training sessions into your life plan.
- Our longest training session (always the long bike) is Saturdays. We always do it early morning so we have the rest of the day to relax and enjoy.
- It's key to have a rhythm with the sessions - like Mondays we always swim and run together, Tuesday is a trainer ride, etc. The more routine you have, the easier it will be to get your sessions completed.
- EVERY WEEK WE TAKE A REST DAY!! Every Sunday is a rest day for us. We found that mentally, we had to have one day every single week that we knew we didn’t have to train. Of course this is good for our body, but it was so good for our brain too! Again, we are very routine and having it on Sundays is perfect.
- And more important than any other tip, is that we’ve just committed to getting it done. We want to do the best we can possibly do on race day and so we’re not just interested in getting our sessions done, we’re committed to making it happen!
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